

“Creative thinking is the process of turning your imagination into reality. This requires passion and commitment. Creativity can be abbreviat...

16 MayReaders Leaders...

To create LEADERs ... READERs should be nurtured in every child. Reading should be inculcated as a habit and as a cult...

21 AprExpedition Term – II...

CBSE General Sameer Kamboj

Where are we coming from?  ‘I came, I saw, I conquered...’. This quote of Julius Caesar summarize...

16 MarCommon Parenting Mistakes While raising a child...

Parenthood is bliss and parenting is a rewarding experience. But the role you must take, and the responsibilities you must fulfill can sometimes se...

04 Marअपने बच्चे को बिना चोट पहुँचाए अनुशासित करने के आठ तरीके।

जिस तरह एक घर के लिए अच्छी नींव की आवश्यकता होती है।उसी तरह अच्छे चरित्र के लिए अनुशासन और नैतिक मूल्यों की आवश्यकता होती है।इन मूल्यों का किसी भी समाज की उन्नति तथा पतन में...

22 FebHow To Increase Concentration?...

Concentration is the ability to direct all your effort and attention onto one thing, without thinking of other things.During conce...

17 Febपरीक्षा पत्र को हल कैसे करें ?

परीक्षा पत्र एक ऐसा माध्यम है जो किसी भी विद्यार्थी की कार्यकुशलता का आंकलन करता है।जहाँ कुछ परीक्षाएँ लिखित होती हैं वहीं कुछ प्रयोगिक और बहु वैकल्पिक ।यह निर्भर करता है...

11 JanHow to speak English fluently?...

If you can speak you can influence, If you can influence you can change lives’ English, being the Universal language, plays a cru...

09 DecCBSE Board Examination...

The CBSE Classes X and XII Term-I Exam format is one of the most trending topics these days. But amidst all the discussion, we have overlooked the ...

24 NovChemical Properties of Carbon Compounds...

Carbon compounds can be present in our food, clothing, and even the lead of the pencil we use. It exists in both its free and mixed forms. It can b...

17 NovWhat is bullying?...

What is bullying? Bullying is the usage of force or threat to intermediate or aggressively dominate others. A bully is a p...

18 OctRevisiting Health...

The disruption of the erstwhile 'normal routine' has afforded us a rare opportunity to hold our horses and to reflect ...

18 AugWhy consider using Google Classrooms with OneNote...

Why consider using Google Classrooms with OneNote  Before introducing G Suite, OneNote Class Notebook was one of the ...

18 AugRole of Ed Tech...

Role of EdTech With the ongoing global pandemic, there is a growing demand for technology-driven education systems. T...

18 AugSocial-emotional challenges faced students...

Social-emotional challenges faced students Going through complicated challenges at certain phases is a part of life for ev...

18 AugRole of Educators in the Post Covid - 19...

Role of Educators in the Post Covid World Covid -19 has become the worst catastrophe faced by this global w...


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