
 The Importance Of AI In Our Lives: AI Is The New Electricity

17 JulThe Importance of AI in Our Lives: AI is the New E...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing our world, much like electricity did in the 19th century. Its transformative power touches every as...

22 SepExploring the world of Artificial Intelligence: A ...

Once upon a time in a futuristic world, there was a group of curious kids named Bot, Cody, and Tex. They were always e...

05 AugNature Over Technology...

What is Development?Many people misunderstand development to use of technology. A country can be considered as a developed country when basic...

08 AugArtificial Intelligence -Boon or Bane...

Me: Siri, Can you Switch off the lights.     Siri: Yes I can! Let me know which room lights have to be put off. ...

18 AugWhy consider using Google Classrooms with OneNote...

Why consider using Google Classrooms with OneNote  Before introducing G Suite, OneNote Class Notebook was one of the ...

18 AugRole of Ed Tech...

Role of EdTech With the ongoing global pandemic, there is a growing demand for technology-driven education systems. T...


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