Gurukul Global School is committed to empowering every student to achieve academic excellence and sincerely working on their holistic development.
The school strives for effective mentorship so that the students learn and grow in a conducive learning environment. This enables them to emerge as better members of society.
Regular monitoring of syllabus, faculty meets, exposure to International standards in curriculum, student & faculty exchange programmes, participation in National & International Olympiads, Multidisciplinary curriculum.
Encouraging Self-discipline, regular monitoring of the students by Class Teachers and Coordinators.
Presence of Well Qualified School Doctor, Regular Health Checkups, Health Workshops, Specials Interactive Sessions for Adolescents.
Theme based morning assemblies, Social Action Programme, Values-in-action Programme, Sanskar Club, Life Skills - School Cinema Programme.
Life Skills engrained into the curriculum, Presence of Academic, Behavioral & Career counsellor to address specific issues.
Annual Displays of Talent & Skills Acquired by Students, National & International Outings for Students to Foster Teamwork, Adaptability, Cooperation & Self Reliance, Theme Based Assemblies, Inter House Competitions, Sports and Hobby Clubs.
Believing in the paradigm that ‘Every Child is Unique’; the school nurtures the multi-facets of every child’s personality; with personal care. We motivate the students to acquire the habits of curiosity, logical thinking, reflections, mental flexibility & self-reliance. Students are empowered to acquire a global vision and a progressive mindset.
Child Centric Activities with ample emphasis on learning are integrated into the curriculum to make learning more exciting for the tiny tots.
Students are given ample opportunities to brainstorm and develop reasoning and research-based attitude to foster the stimulation of their minds.
Teachers at the Middle-level & Secondary act as facilitators, mentors, and guides; coaxing the students to develop an inquiry-based bend of mind.
Smart Boards are used exhaustively across all classes. PPTs and other instructional software enable the teachers to deliver their lectures effectively.