India's vibrant culture and its beautiful landscapes have made it known across the world and the slogan Ek Bharat Shreshta Bharat speaks volumes about its Unity in diversity, on this theme the students celebrated the social Studies week for classes 6 to 10
The teachers had a tough time deciding the winners as the students showed their artistic skills when they showcased their talents.
Class 6 students made colorful and informative posters showing the Cultural Diversity of Indian states and their colors in dress, food, dances & languages.
Class 7 students made collages showing the variety and the variance of India’s Tourist Destinations.
Class 8 students made others aware of the richness of biodiversity in India when they showed ppt's on different resources and the places rich in them.
Class9 students also made and showcased their ppt's on the alarming population explosion in India and its impact on our resources.
Class 10 students faced a volley of questions when they competed in the water quiz. The social studies HOD Ms Radhika said that the week helped the students as they collected and showcased their honing, presentation and speaking skills.
The efforts of the students and the teachers were appreciated by the School Management.