The Students of Gurukul Global School Class VIII conducted a special Virtual Assembly to celebrate World Conservation Day. Aujasvi Sharma Presented a PowerPoint Presentation highlighting the importance of the day and the impact of depleting resources worldwide. He laid down day-to-day tips to help in the conservation of the environment. He stated that if 9 out of 10 individuals followed the small practices religiously like switching off lights and fans when not in use, using buckets, getting leaking taps mended, avoiding plastic bags, planting trees on Birthdays and using carpools to name a few, it would be a great service to mankind and the bio-diverse environment.
The students of classes 6 to 8 also participated in the planned library activities by the Librarian to showcase their vibrant talent as they recited poems, drew book covers and shared tips to conserve Nature.
Principal Ms Nina Pandey also addressed the students and said celebrating World Conservation Day is important for a sustainable environment, she stressed and motivated the students to save the resources for future generations and use ways to conserve the ecosystem, biodiversity, plants, animals, marine life and also humans. She stressed the need to use public transportation, shop less and avoid wastage of food and other resources for retrieving the Earth’s glory and beauty.