The Tree of Life!

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Learning is a basic instinct of the human kind and that is why a human is considered a student all his life. The schools of instructions will change and so will the mode of teaching. The teacher will also change, from humans to non-humans. In our scriptures, mother is the first Guru and then as the child grows up he/she learns directly from humans or indirectly from the surrounding as a basic instinct. There is no better teacher than the trees for example. Have you ever looked at the trees with a purpose? Whenever you look at a beautiful tree, one of the most essential parts are its well spread out roots, which teach us to be well grounded and be ready to absorb maximum from the mother earth through thin micro roots without hurting the earth. Spread of the roots teaches us to be well composed and stable. A healthy tree has healthy roots. Deeper and stronger the roots, the tree shall be able to stand strong in storms, cyclones and hurricanes. The roots are not seen to our eyes. Our success, accolades and achievements are all seen to people which is inevitably because of our roots. Therefore, if we do not work on what is unseen, it is very difficult to sustain what is seen. When the roots are strong , the trunk of the tree can stand strong and stable. Trunk, the most powerful of the tree segment teaches us to utilise the efforts of roots and turn the nutrition into strength to bear the external hostilities and also be prepared to further support life on it. Trunk of the tree is our physical and emotional well being. The third aspect of the tree is the crown of the tree which is our contribution to the world. The crown is where the leaves, fruits and flowers come. Branches and the leaves teach us to provide shadow and shade to the travellers and anyone who seeks shelter under it. They take care of these guests irrespective of caste, religion, colour, state without any discrimination. An even handed approach, a justice system at place. The branches bear fruits, provide food and shelter to humans, birds and animals. While doing so it doesn't probe into any identity of the living being. Resultantly, the tree teaches us the tenets of life- Connection, Cultivation and Contribution. Let us all learn to be conscious of the life all around us and learn to respect its presence. Let us learn to be in balance, in harmony.

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