Gurukul Global School, Sector 13, Chandigarh hosted its maiden session of Devraj Malik Memorial Invitational Basketball Tournament which was dedicated in the memory of Sh. Devraj Malik, father of our honourable School President, Ms. Neena Setya.
He was a sober, distinguished and a down to earth person having a philanthropic streak and always dreamed to motivate the young brigade of sports persons towards the game.
The three day tournament was held from 29th November to 1st December 2023.
Opening ceremony of the event, held on 29th November 2023, saw Smt. Neena Setya, President School Managing Committee as the Chief Guest.
The Guest of Honour on the occasion was Sh. Anil Mehta President of Chandigarh Basketball Association.
16 teams of U-19 boys and girls from across the nation participated in the tournament and 32 matches were played, in all; over a period of 3 days.
During the Opening ceremony, along with the Welcome Song, The Captains of the participating teams were administered the Oath of integrity and sanctity.
The Tournament concluded on 1st December 2023, among all gaiety and fanfare; with Mr. Chandermukhi Sharma, Sec. Gen. SABA being the Chief Guest. He applauded the efforts of the School Management & advised the budding Sports Persons to take keen & serious interest in Sports, at all times.
The Winners-
Amongst the Girls; Trophy was lifted by New Public School, Sector -18 Chandigarh who defeated Sarkaghat, Mandi by 13 Baskets.
The ‘Best Cager Girl ’Award was bagged by Ms. Arpita, New Public School, Chandigarh and ‘Best Upcoming Cager Girl ‘Award was bagged by Smaya Sodhi, Sacred Heart Sr. Secondary. School, Chandigarh.
Amongst the Boys the Winner’s Trophy was lifted by Gurukul Global School, Sector 13, Chandigarh, who defeated Creane School, Gaya, Bihar by 11 Baskets.
‘Best Cager Boy’ Award was bagged by Prashant Hooda, Gurukul Global School, Chandigarh
‘Best Upcoming Cager’ Award was bagged by Khushnaaz Singh, St Johns High School, Sector-26, Chandigarh.
Principal Ms. Urvashi Kakkar extended a heartfelt thanks to all teams for their energetic & enthusiastic participation in the Tournament.