The Teachers attend workshop on POCSO ACT by Ms. Anuradha Bhatnagar
To aid and inform the teachers about their role as POCSO facilitators a workshop was organized for them .The guest speaker was Ms. Anuradha Bhatnagar, who is also the School Counselor. She highlighted that POCSO Act was enacted by the parliament in 2012. It has been implemented to provide protection to children less than 18 years. She highlighted that schools have a significant role to play and informed that every school must draft a child protection policy. Take proactive measures to prevent child sexual abuse.
Schools must ensure that CÇTV's are installed at different points to monitor staff, visitors, strangers etc. School must keep a strict vigilance on the students especially when they leave the school premises. According to POCSO every School must have School Complaint system, Install suggestion boxes and appoint counselors who must initiate and organize awareness sessions from time to time. It was an informative and educative workshop.