An Interactive Workshop for Teachers on Storytelling

22 Jul
Ms. Shikha Sood from Shoolini university took an interactive workshop on ’The art of storytelling as an important tool.' for the teachers of Gurukul Global School. She began the session by weaving a story and showcasing how story telling captures the interest of everyone and creates positive energy in the classroom. She also added that in between the narration, inputs should be taken from students so that they also feel involved. She suggested that as students idolize teachers, every teacher must involve the children and must have an eye connect with every student in the class. She began by suggesting that instead of giving a title directly it is always better to involve the students in finalizing the title. The next important ingredient is by creating a scenario (where) and time (when) the story takes place this is called as the timeline. Next comes in the characters the teacher can suggest various descriptive words from where the students can choose how their characters would look like. Once the basic scenario rolls in there comes the climax and one or multiple problems could be added, followed by how the characters tackle these difficulties and ultimately comes the finale which sets in with a long reaching moral, which would help the students see the finer strokes of their narration. The session was a learning experience for all teachers.
An_Interactive_Workshop_ For_ Teachers_ On _Storytelling

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